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πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer
πŸš€πŸ’» Ask about our website-in-a-week offer

Strategy Sprint

Perfect for new businesses or businesses new to hiring marketing help. Packed with actionable value, we block our calendars for the entire day to focus on you, with one week of online support. Scroll to see what's included in the Strategy Sprint.
book the strategy sprint
book the strategy sprint
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Lap One: Assessement

Audit, assessment & Business Planning

The intake form we send out upon booking to prepare for our VIPΒ day includes unconventional questions about your operations that might not seem related to your business. But you'll realize in our session how they directly impact your marketing efforts.

On assessment, we're peaking behind the hood of your business to find what parts we'll be using in building your brand up. If we're still using car idioms (because why not, we're copywriters), we're building a Porsche from a Honda.

We'll come prepared to your VIP day having audited your current online presence and will have reviewed your intake form to be able to discuss and identify a marketing budget, content ideas, and marketing execution that maps back to your goals.


Lap Two: An Intro to 021 Framework

Powering Your Brand Growth

Our signature 021 Framework is a comprehensive strategy designed to address the multi-faceted, complex landscape of digital marketing. During the Strategy Sprint, we distill it into a concise one-page format that you can proudly display in your workspace and refer back to it often. This simplified version empowers you to grasp the strategy, integrate it into your business, and proactively connect with your prospective customers amidst market competition and online clutter.


Lap Three:Β 1:1 Strategy Session

One Hour Strategy Session

Putting it all together, we'll meet for one hour to discuss all of the above and set a plan of action to boost your brand into hyperdrive. By the end of our session, we'll have accomplished:

  • A Full Audit and Assessment of Your Current Online Presence
  • Clarified Your Goals, Values, and Product/Offers
  • Set a Marketing Budget That Fits Your Current Stage of Business
  • Identified Content Ideas for the Next 90 Days That Align with Your Brand/Its Audience
  • Introduced the 021 Framework to Get Your Brand From Zero-to-Hero with Ideal Customers


Beyond the track Bonuses
  • One Week Online Support via Telegram (a text and voice note sharing app)
  • Content Calendar for Your Next 90 Days
  • 021 Framework One-Pager Custom to Your Business
Sounds amaze...Let's book!
Sounds amaze...Let's book!
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+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk
+++ Let's talk